Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 10/16/2024 - 7:00 PM
Category: AGENDA
Type: Action
Subject: RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT: Early Learning Indiana Grant for Brickies from the Start Program
NCA/AdvancED District Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
Early Learning Indiana Grant Recipient Notice, Oct 2024.pdf
Early Years Initiative Grant - Press Release, Brickies from the Start,Oct 2024.pdf
Summary: Dr. Peggy Buffington, Superintendent, will welcome DeAnn Jennette, Coordinator of the Brickies from the Start Program. They will highlight the grant that was awarded to the district in the amount of $118,000.00 from Early Learning Indiana that is generously supported by Lilly Endowment, Inc. The Early Years Initiative is a competitive grant funded by Early Learning Indiana and Eli Lilly. Early Learning Indiana recognizes that the years between birth and age three is a period of rapid brain development in children and a nurturing, supportive environment can strengthen that development. The purpose of the Early Years Initiative is to provide funding for organizations to help infants and toddlers develop foundational knowledge and skills that support their future learning. Brickies From the Start was awarded a total of $118,000 over 3 years to enhance our service to children ages 0-3 and their families. Our program already offers developmental screenings, resources and referrals, parenting support, and a community playroom. We also currently partner with Northwestern University to provide Mindful Parents, Mothers and Babies and Fathers and Babies. These programs have decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety in parents. The Early Years Initiative grant will allow them to expand their program in the following ways: * Hire an Infant and Toddler Specialist focusing on the needs of children ages 0-3 and their families * Provide appropriate training and continued professional development * Increase the number of Mothers and Babies and Fathers and Babies program * Provide developmental screenings to families referred by WIC * Provide developmental screenings to children ages 0-3 in childcare centers and in-home daycares * Add more inclusive and diverse toys to the Community Playroom * Purchase promotional materials for Brickies From the Start
Recommendation: That the Board accept the grant from Early Learning Indiana for the Brickies from the Start Program and authorize the superintendent to sign all necessary documents for the execution of the grant.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Pat Schoon - Board Secretary
Signed By:
Dr. Peggy Buffington - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Sandra J. Hillan Moved, Member Donald H. Rogers seconded to approve the Original motion 'That the Board accept the grant from Early Learning Indiana for the Brickies from the Start Program and authorize the superintendent to sign all necessary documents for the execution of the grant.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Terry D. Butler     Yes
Donald H. Rogers     Yes
Stuart B. Schultz     Yes
Sandra J. Hillan     Yes
Frank Porras     Yes